ZipGuide is a new way to discover your neighborhood and get personal recommendations!

We know that each neighborhood has its own unique personality and we’ve created a personalized guide that makes it easy to connect with local neighborhood guides and get one-on-one help and personalized recommendations.

ZipGuide goal is to provide a place for people to discover their neighborhoods and get personal recommendations from the top local guides. Whether you want to find the best burger in town or learn about a new park, ZipGuide helps you find it online and connect with a trusted neighborhood guide in your area. Our easy-to-use interface and an online directory of the most popular neighborhood spots is an excellent website for anyone who loves exploring new places.

eXplore your next neighborhood

What does life look like in (insert city name here)?” We connect you with the local experts, so you can get a personal feel for what it’s like to live and work there.